Even after Saturn leaves Capricorn for Aquarius in 2020, the planet will still be in a sign that it rules. Saturn has the privilege of being the only planet whose ruled signs, are consecutive. This means that Saturn’s entrance into Capricorn begins not a 2.5 year period of peak Saturn, but a consolidated 5 year stretch of Saturn’s power.
These 5 year periods are, historically, instances where the rules are rewritten. The last time Saturn was in this part of its cycle was 1988-1994. The time before that was 1959-1965, the time before that 1929-1934. The world before these 5 year spans looked significantly different than the world which followed.
Period of People Versus Government. Gandhi Ji, Dandi March, Soviet up-spring, Berlin Wall, Mandal Movement. The period which prepared grounds for World War -1, World War -2, Indo-Pak War, Kargil, etc. all in Saturn transit in Capricorn.
Thus Saturn’s entrance into Capricorn on 24th January 2020 begins a period which is, quite literally, a game-changer.
The changes which take place during the next 5 years are naturally divided into two parts — the Capricorn portion is with the destruction of the old rules, the Aquarius portion is about designing of the new.
Both Saturn and Capricorn rule men, fathers, authority, banks, the economy, government, corporations and big industry. These are the areas that will come under focus, as Saturn’s eyes find for flaws in the foundation of leadership and large organisations.
Saturn and Capricorn – To explain the nature of both Saturn and Capricorn.
Saturn is the slowest and furthest planet visible to the naked eye. It takes approximately 30 years to do one circuit of the zodiac. For living beings, time always leads to death, Saturn’s theme. Saturn’s slow progression also illustrates the laws of cause and effect — how actions, over time, create reality.
Saturn is the Greater Malefic in astrology, as it brings deprivation, fear, excessive cold, brittle-ness, depression, confinement and exclusion. Saturn also teaches the virtues of patience, discipline, endurance and duty, and shows us how to maintain calm in even the worst conditions.
Capricorn, represented by the Goat, is an Earth sign. It is the sign where the Earth is reshaped in accord with intention. Mud becomes brick, and bricks become houses. The wet clay, patterned with intention, becomes sculpture.
On a positive note, Saturn in Capricorn could restore order to our out-of-control world by instituting policies that protect human rights—or dismantling laws that oppress us. Important regulations could be imposed on big businesses that are spoiling our planet. Saturn rules harsh lessons and wakeup calls.
Yet we are pulled backward not only to recover what was lost, but also to heal. Indeed, Saturn in Capricorn, being the empowered greater malefic, seems to take great pleasure in hunting those who have long evaded punishment. Saturn’s time in Capricorn will surely be registered with stories of those whose evasions have finally come to an end. Some of the most famous criminals in history ended their eras during Saturn’s previous visits to Capricorn, including the imprisonment of Al Capone, the notorious crime boss, and cartel-king Pablo Escobar’s time in the La Catedral prison.
Saturn in Capricorn also brings the opportunity to become patient and enduring, to learn how to see things in a wider perspective. It offers us the opportunity to look through the eyes of time. Bad days, even bad years, disappear when set against the backdrop of an entire lifetime. That larger awareness of time puts things in their proper place, keeping high and low points from distorting our perceptions and expectations.