Planet Sun in Astrology: Guru ji Dr.Raj

    Planet Sun in Astrology: Guru ji Dr.Raj

    Mythology About Planet Sun : Explained By Renowned Indian Vedic Astrologer Guru jI Dr. Raj

    In Hinduism The planet Sun is believed to be the “Sun God”. It gives life, energy and force as well as “the pran” meaning it is a planet that symbolizes what we call our “Soul” within Astrology. People adore the planet Sun every day for three times. It symbolizes our high regard. The practice of ” Surya Namaskar” to restore the health and vision on Sundays.

    It is believed that the creator of the Universe, Brahma did the survey using his four faces, arranged in four directions. This creates four seasons and four elements referred to as Air, Fire, Earth as well as Water. The day that is designated to the Sun Planet, is Sunday. Sunday is placed on the top or in the middle of all the seven days of the week.

    The study of Western Astrology, the planet Sun may also go under”Apollo” “Apollo”. They believe it is the son of ” Jupiter” and “Latona”. Apollo is the sister of “Diana”

    In accordance with Hindu Mythology, the moment that Sun enters or through any Zodiac symbol is thought of to be a favourable time for any type of religious service. They are believed to perform rituals of worship to heal their souls as well as offer prayers to the Sun God.

    Hindu Calendar or Panchang is also based upon the changes in the movement of Sun throughout the various Zodiac signs. If the Sun moves between a sign and a the calendar is thought of as a single Solar Month. Therefore, it takes a year to circle the ecliptic. It doesn’t retrograde as other planets.

    Sun is the symbol of the Spirit. In the Hindu Vedic Astrology, Sun is considered as the soul from “Kaal Purusha”. It is believed that Sun represents a ray of hope, which is why it symbolizes positivity and is also the concept of a ruler or leader.

    Different names for Sun: Adhithya, Arka, Aruna, Bhanu, Dhinakara or Dhinakrit, Hell, Pusha, ravi, Surya and Thapana.

    Sun is among the brightest stars along with moon in the Universe. Both emit light which illuminates the entire world. Sun determines the duration of the process of inspiration and its expiration i.e. the length or time of our lives. It helps you build the strength and self-will to be determined and focused.

    Nature of Planet Sun

    It’s a masculine dry, positive, dry warm planet. The planet can be described as “Agni Devta”, name of an Indian Devta. It is a fiery planet. It is the ruler of “Eastern Direction” and “Grishma Season” which is the time between June and July. The color of the Sun is orange, or Kanakambaram. It governs the metals, like Copper and Gold.

    What is Sun mean within Vedic Astrology?

    According to Best Indian Astrologer It is the “Father”in the native’s birth chart. It is a sign of “Husband” in the chart of women. It is the most authoritative post in the service. It demonstrates the government’s executive or managerial role within society. It is distinguished as a leader or skipper in games.

    Physical appearance: Those born under the powerful influence of the planet Venus have a large and round faces. They will be born in Leo Lagna as well on Sundays, and have honey-colored eyes. Sun symbolizes hearts within your body, and, therefore, the Leo symbolizes the heart in the nature Kaal Purush Kundali. It also symbolizes the right eye of a man and the left eye in women.

    Diseases: As it is the heart of an individual and is a sign of heart problems and also problems with eyesight, when it is affected by kundali. Sun is affected by Saturn which can cause a drop in blood pressure, whereas Sun affected by Jupiter results in high blood pressure. Also, it is a sign of meningitis in the brain, eruptions of facial skin, Aphasia acute fevers, typhoid, epilepsy, polypus, bile complaints, sunstrokes, scorches and diseases of the head, etc.

    Characteristics of Planet Sun described by Famous Vedic Astrologer Guru Ji

    If Sun is positioned positive on the direction of your Birth Chart, then it will give you excellent characteristics. It is extremely beneficial to you. It will give you a genuine affection for everything and everyone. You’ll have a great sense of strength and inspiration. This indicates that you have self-acquired.

    Strong Sun refers to the position of Sun in a favorable position that can bring excellent results and a strong will ability to complete every task. You will have a positive attitude toward life and live a happiness of life and good fortune. Sun is the solar system that allows you to achieve great heights in life, thanks to which you gain recognition in the world. It provides a magnetic aura and determination to a person.

    Beneficial Sun offers the ability to achieve ambition, confidence, brilliance the ability to rule over dignity, energy as well as fame, faith grace, generosity, happiness, health, hope smile, happiness, heart of a good person and a regal appearance and loyalty, nobility royalty, acclaim in all spheres of life, honesty and vigor warmth, virtue and a warm glow.

    Afflicted Sun can make one appear an arrogant, bluff, self-centered and apathetic, insulting and jealous, over-ambitious anger, self-centered and so on.

    What are the jobs that are generally identified by the the planet Sun?

    The general rule is that Sun can be described as the planet karaka that has a permanent place in our lives. Sun represents all government agencies and departments. Anywhere there is security and safety in the service, Sun would be ruling over it. Sun also represents the autonomous business, which is funded through the father. The stream of profession also depends on the PAC (Position-Aspect-Conjunction) connection with the other influencing planets. In a nutshell, we can claim that the character and character of Planet Sun in profession or career depends on the relationship of Sun with other planets. There are a few professional fields connected to them which are listed below to help you more understanding

    • Politics:It denotes administrators, Kings, Dictators and anyone who sits at the top or is in a governing office.
    • Product:Products like variety in chillies, rice, almonds foreign exchange, currency trading, pearls herbs, saffron etc. are identified by Sun.
    • MarketGovernment Loans, Gilt Edged securities, Gold, Reserve Bank, Stock Exchange, Government etc. are represented by Sun.
    • Herbs and plants:Thorny trees, grass, orange trees Lavender Mary-Gold, and medicinal herbs, etc. are represented by the our planet Sun.
    • Sites:Forests, mountain, Fortress, Government Buildings etc are denoted by the planet Sun.
    • Animals and Birds:Lion, Horse, Boar, Serpent, all birds that sing, swans etc. are all depicted by Sun.

    The day of Sun is called “Sunday”. Sun can be described as “Sunday” One can be expecting more success on this particular day in the event that he’s running on”the Mahadasha that is “Sun”. Sun governs “Leo” Zodiac sign and is exalted by the sign of ” Aries“. The most valuable stone for the planet Sun includes “Diamond” along with “Ruby”.

    Therefore, our planet Sun is very well-known in the field of Astrology and Astronomy. The existence of life is due to the sun’s light energy. Sun on Earth. It gives energy to all and every person to ensure that they are able to survive. It is can also bring you hope for a an exciting new start.

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