As per the Astrologer Raj Guru in Vedic astrology it is a sign that Jupiter is located with Rahu or Ketu in a horoscope or have a mutual aspect in a horoscope. Guru Chandal Yoga is formed within the horoscope. By it, this Yoga, Rahu and Ketu can cause harm to the general and particular significance of Jupiter in the chart of horoscopes.
The damage to the general significance of Jupiter can cause the native to engage in morally unsound, illegal and unlawful activities. The character and character of the native can be ruined. This means that the native could have a lot of difficulties in different spheres of his life due to his erratic actions. Additionally, Guru Chandal Yoga may result in problems related to the particular aspects of Jupiter in the chart of a horoscope. For instance in the event that Jupiter is ruling in the seventh or tenth houses in an horoscope. The person who is suffering from Guru Chandal Yoga may face issues with his profession and marriage, in addition to other issues.
How Guru Chandal Yog is Formed in a Horoscope
Guru refers to the title that is given to Jupiter in Vedic Astrology. However, Rahu and Ketu are known as Chandal (an extremely evil character) in this case. Thus, a mix of Jupiter along with Rahu or Ketu or by the placement of either or through an aspect is believed to result in the formation of Guru Chandal Yog in the Horoscope. In the case of example, in the event that Jupiter is located on the 1st house in a Horoscope the astrological sign of Rahu or Ketu, Guru Chandal Yoga is believed to have been born within the horoscope. Similar to that in the event that Jupiter is within the first house in a horoscope, and it has an aspect to Rahu or Ketu that could be located in the ninth or fifth houses of the horoscope Guru Chandal Yoga is said to have been formed within the horoscope.
There are 12 houses in an Horoscope. This means that the chance for Jupiter being placed in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu in a specific house is two in twelve. If Jupiter is located within the house that is first in the Horoscope. The likelihood for Rahu getting placed into one from 12 houses would be one in 12, and the same is true for the position of Ketu. Thus, the likelihood of one being placed on the same level as Jupiter is two out of twelve. That means each sixth native suffers due to Guru Chandal Yog, merely by virtue of the location in the constellation of Jupiter along with Rahu or Ketu.
Because the location of Rahu or Ketu in the ninth or fifth house can also result in the creation of the concept of Guru Chandal Yoga in this situation, the likelihood is increased. This implies that the position in the first, fifth or ninth house of Rahu within the fifth, first, or ninety-ninth house on this horoscope is the basis for this Yoga. Rahu Ketu and Ketu are separated at 180°. This is why they are placed within the 7th house according to one another. That means that when Rahu is within the house of first, Ketu is placed in the seventh house. This means that they cannot be placed together in the same place. Therefore, the place that is made by Ketu in the first, fifth , or ninth house can also result in Guru Chandal Yoga in this scenario. Therefore, six out of twelve probabilities will result in the development of Yoga in the Horoscope. This means that every second native suffers due to Guru Chandal Yoga.
So that every second native would be suffering from the problems outlined as such by Guru Chandal Yog. However, this isn’t actually happening. Therefore, the standard definition of Guru Chandal Yoga is not full and lacks something. Let’s examine the other conditions that must be fulfilled in a horoscope to allow the creation of the concept of Yoga. The first rule to consider is that benefic planets create good yogas while malefic planets create bad yogas. Therefore, Rahu or Ketu must be functional malefic in the Horoscope to affect Jupiter and create the Guru Chandal Yog. That means that If Rahu is suffering from Jupiter, Rahu should be malefic, and the same is true for Ketu.
If we look at the possible combination from Jupiter as well as Rahu within the same house of the horoscope There are four possible combinations. This is a mix with beneficial Jupiter and benefic Rahu and the benefic Jupiter together with malefic Rahu and the malefic Jupiter together with the benefic Rahu or Malefic Jupiter and malefic Rahu. In the same way, Jupiter and Ketu may be able to form four combinations within the same horoscope house. They are the combination that combines positive Jupiter and benefic Ketu and beneficial Jupiter and malefic Ketu and Ketu that is malefic Jupiter together with beneficial Ketu or Malefic Jupiter and malefic Ketu.
Examining the combination between Jupiter and Rahu There are only two of the four combinations could be the Guru Chandal Yog. Two of these combinations are benefic Jupiter and malefic Rahu as well as the malefic Jupiter together with malefic Rahu. The other two combinations might not lead to the creation of Yoga in the Horoscope. This is due to the fact that Rahu can be beneficial in both of these situations and thus Rahu could not result in the formation of Guru Chandal Yoga. Similar is the case of combining Jupiter together with Ketu. Only those two combinations could make up this Yoga in which Ketu is considered to be malefic. Benefic Ketu in conjunction with Jupiter could not result in Guru Chandal Yoga.
These calculations remove half of the chances of the creation for the formation of Guru Chandal Yoga in a Horoscope. The next aspect to consider in the equation, which is the malefic aspect of Rahu or Ketu on Jupiter, the aspect might not result in the formation of Guru Chandal Yoga. A malefic aspect Rahu or Ketu can certainly cause damage to the significance of Jupiter. But, the damage might not be potent enough to produce the same effects that result from a conjunction with the malefic Rahu or Ketu with Jupiter. Therefore, the aspect relationship between the malefic Rahu as well as Ketu with Jupiter can be eliminated in this scenario.
Actual Definition of Guru Chandal Yoga
When we look at the equation that results and the resultant equation, only the conjunction of the malefic Rahu and Ketu with Jupiter might be able to result in Guru Chandal Yoga in a Horoscope. This is an accurate understanding of this Yoga. If the devil Rahu (or Ketu is placed in conjunction with Jupiter within a horoscope Guru Chandal Yoga appears within the horoscope. We have now reached an appropriate definition of this Yoga Let’s take a look at additional important aspects of this type of yoga.
Calculating the Strength of Guru Chandal Yoga
When the formation of this yoga is established by a horoscope, the second thing to look at is its power. The power of this Yoga is assessed by the location on Jupiter along with Rahu as well as Ketu in various signs, houses of nakshatras, navamsa and naks in addition to the influence of malefic and benefic stars upon Jupiter or Rahu and Ketu in an Horoscope.
When we look at the signs, the negative consequences associated with Guru Chandal Yoga formed by Jupiter and malefic Rahu can be reduced significantly when this Yoga is a part of Pisces and Scorpio. This is due to Rahu being weak in both signs, while Jupiter is powerful within these signs. Therefore, such negative Rahu could not do significant damage to the significance of Jupiter. Also, the negative results of this Yoga created by Jupiter and the malefic Ketu could be reduced significantly in the event that this yoga forms in Cancer. Jupiter is elevated during Cancer as Ketu is weak in Cancer. Therefore, elevated Jupiter could be able to combat the afflictions brought on by Ketu and in a dependable way. The same way the severity of issues brought on through Guru Chandal Yoga may be different from all other signs.
When looking at the next aspect the effects of the other malefic and benefic planets upon Jupiter or Rahu and Ketu within a horoscope must be examined thoroughly, prior to predicting the outcome for Guru Chandal Yoga. This is an important element that could alter the outcomes dramatically or completely. In the case of example, the effects of benefic planets with the right qualities on this particular yoga instance could bring much needed relief to the people who are living in the. Consider a combination of benefic planets Moon high Mars, Venus and Ketu creates Chandra Mangal Yoga as well as Ruchaka Yoga in the seventh house of this horoscope, which is located in Capricorn. The powerful aspects of the benefit of planets within the seventh house can result in significant adjustments in Guru Chandal Yoga formed in the first house of this Horoscope.
This means that the native could see excellent or extremely good results in various areas of his life, based on the rest of his horoscope even if there is Guru Chandal Yoga in his Horoscope. If the benefic Sun is located on the fifth house of Scorpio as well as Mercury is located within the 6th house of Sagittarius The results could improve even more. The position on Saturn in the 11th house of Taurus can further boost the positive results. In this case that overall positive, powerful concept of this particular horoscope might draw positive outcomes, even from a malefic practice like Guru Chandal Yoga. As has been mentioned numerous times, the theme of a horoscope’s horoscope is the most crucial aspect of it, as it has the power to transform everything.
Impact of Guru Chandal Yoga
The second thing to consider is the area of impact on this Yoga. To determine the area of impact the location of the house of the yoga and the influence of the malefic and benefic planets that affect this yoga need to be analyzed. The development of Guru Chandal Yoga in various houses of a horoscope can cause problems for the native, with various types of negative results. For example, the development that results from Guru Chandal Yoga within the house that is first could create problems with health as well as the lifespan for the local. However the creation of Guru Chandal Yoga in the seventh house of a horoscope could result in issues related to weddings to the locals. In the event that Guru Chandal Yoga is formed in the sixth house of a horoscope the person who is born there could be involved in diverse crimes, and may be subject to the law more than one time throughout his life.
The creation of Guru Chandal Yoga in the fifth house could adversely impact the health of the youngsters of the indigenous, whereas the development of this yoga during the ninth place could adversely impact the health of the parents of the local. In this situation, Pitra Dosh will also appear in the horoscope, aggravating the problem. The location in the fourth house of Guru Chandal Yoga in the fourth house could negatively impact the health of the mother of the native while the presence of this practice in the tenth place could be affecting the professional life of the native. Therefore, the impact field of this Yoga must be determined to determine the various areas that could be affected by this type of yoga.
Activation of Guru Chandal Yoga
The other thing to be able to determine is the date of activation of the Yoga. Even if it is actually formed in the horoscope it is important to note that any beneficial or undesirable Yoga could not be activated at the date of birth of the person and the time of activation can differ from person to person. This means it is possible that Guru Chandal Yoga present in different horoscopes could have different activation times. Therefore, different people may experience problems as a result of it at different times. Most importantly, the overall subject matter of the horoscope that includes Guru Chandal yoga should be studied carefully since this is what is most important. The general theme of a horoscope is probably the most crucial aspect and it is able to alter everything.
Imagine that Guru Chandal Yoga is formed in the Horoscope. Also, the horoscope is characterized by a positive Yoga such as Ruchaka Yoga, Bhadra Yoga, Shasha Yoga, Budhaditya Yoga or Chandra Mangal Yoga. If the horoscope has multiple of the practices and the other planets are also powerful, all the themes of these Horoscopes can be positive and powerful enough to handle the demands of yogas as Guru Chandal Yoga. As an example, imagine that the combination with Jupiter and Rahu creates Guru Chandal Yoga, which is located in the Tenth House of a horoscope. Sagittarius. Beneficient exalted Venus creates Malavya Yoga at the beginning of the second house, while beneficial exalted Mercury creates Bhadra Yoga within the 7th house. A positive combo of high-aligned Moon and Mars is the basis of Chandra Mangal Yoga in the third house of this horoscope located in Taurus; Sun is placed in the sixth house of Leo, Venus is placed in the eighth house of Libra while Saturn is in the 11th house of Capricorn. This means that the horoscope is positive and powerful enough to allow for the positive application of the benefits of Guru Chandal Yoga. Thus, the native will be able to witness outstanding results in a variety of aspects of his life regardless of the existence of Guru Chandal Yoga in his Horoscope.
Impact of Running Times
Following this, the effect of running time should be examined. The term “running times” in this case refers to planet periods, which are also called Mahadashas. Running times are crucial in determining which time of the year the people are most affected by Guru Chandal Yoga. Any kind of yoga, good or bad, can be effective when any of the planets actively engaged in its development governs the time of its running. So, the practitioner might experience the most destructive effects associated with Guru Chandal Yoga when he is impacted by the planetary phase that is ruled by Rahu and Ketu. This simple fact can drastically alter the magnitude of difficulties confronted by natives under the intense influences of Guru Chandal Yoga.
The expression ‘actively engaged’ in this sense refers to the planet that actually helps in the development of yoga. In the instance of Guru Chandal Yog, Jupiter is not active so long as it’s positive. This is due to the fact that beneficial Jupiter is not likely to cause any problems , but it might attempt to minimize the effects of these problems. As this practice is thought to be malefic, benefic Jupiter shouldn’t be considered as an active planet during its creation. Therefore, the planetary periods that occur during Rahu or Ketu is only a possibility to enhance the Guru Chandal Yoga.
But it is the case that Jupiter is also considered to be malefic in a horoscope with Guru Chandal Yoga; Jupiter must also be considered an active planet. This is due to the fact that Jupiter could also attempt to exacerbate the issues by inflicting Rahu and Ketu. Thus, the planetary time of Jupiter could also be problematic in this situation. If Jupiter is benefic, and Rahu or Ketu is negative, Guru Chandal Yoga may be somewhat less problematic. If the combination of Jupiter as well as Rahu or Ketu are malefic in the horoscope, Guru Chandal Yoga may cause problems with higher quantum.
The concept for Guru Chandal Yog looks very easy. But the actual procedure of calculating the malefic results derived from the Yoga within a horoscope can be complicated. So, every aspect of the horoscope needs to be scrutinized carefully before concluding on the development that is Guru Chandal Yoga in a horoscope or prior to making predictions about the nature and quantity of negative results attributed to it.
The possibilities of billions of combinations are endless in the horoscopy. This is the reason the theme of the chart is what is important the most. It is not a doubt that when Guru Chandal yoga of good strength is portrayed in a horoscope, then the person might be afflicted by a range of issues. However, the type of issues faced in nature, their time of the problem and the severity of the problems are revealed by the general subject matter of his Horoscope.