Mars in 8th House
    Mars in 8th house

    Mars in 8th House

    It is also a crucial place for Jupiter as it is the place to determine losses of cash, loss in shares, and the illnesses of the inventory hypothesis, such as diabetes, asthma and kidney issues. Jupiter is in its eighth house is also a sign of whether an individual will have a smooth and tranquil death, with a sense of contentment in the past. In the event of a negative outcome, they might suffer the death due to prolonged illness or sufferings that are severe even for a short period of suffering from mental problems and disillusioned goals and tasks that are not completed. Another concern is the likelihood that death will create financial or financial problems and conflict with the mistress or spouse, or a friend of the opposite lover who has been abandoned.

    Impact of Jupiter in the 8th Place On Your Life

    As per astrologer Raj Guru The past Acharyas have placed a significant significance in this respect to the chart of Dreshkana (one third divisional phase that is part of the Ascendant Lagna) within the”8″ house, since it is believed that the “8” house is connected to death. There is a question on the reasons why this particular aspect that is connected to Dreshkana is mentioned in the reference to Jupiter’s significance within the 8th house, and not earlier. Ancient acharyas had attributed importance for the role of Jupiter as well as Dreshkana for the eight houses in determining whether the death of the person is a happy person’s death in a serene way or the result of a troubled state of mind. Each Rasi is comprised of three Dreshkanas. This Dreshkana effect is described under the Rasi-wise perspective for a simple and complete understanding.

    1. If it’s the first Dreshkana in (Mesh) Aries in the 8 percent home, the loss of life could be caused through kidney or liver issues. Death is likely to occur following a long battle with illness and the treatment of a doctor.

    2.In it’s 2. Dreshkana of Aries and the way to die would be due to drowning, through water, suffering from any illness caused by water. on a ship that is sinking of the vessel, due to flooding, landslides or by the help of snowfall, storm, or cyclones.

    (3) 3. If there is a 3rd Dreshkana of Aries to die, it could likely be brought about by the help of a landslide that falls in the ditch canal, well or along the bank of a dry or flowing river, or through the method of falling from any or any other height.

    4.) If it’s the 1st Dreshkana of Taurus, then the loss of life could be due to falling from horses, camels or elephants, or by the help of canine bites, Jackal chew or other wild animals like lions, panthers, tigers, and wolves.

    5). If it’s one of the two” Dreshkana of Taurus, the cause of death is likely to be by electrical shock, fire or acid, poison and cough bronchitis. congestion in the chest.

    6) If it’s one of the three” Dreshkana of Taurus, the loss of life could result from particles from a building, volcano or earthquake. Then, a fall or a jump-off or even being thrown off on top of the home or multi-story building or through an attack with an animal or even rabies could occur.

    7.) If it’s the first Dreshkana in Gemini, the loss of life is likely to be caused by the process of suffocation resulting from the combination of dust, smoke or pollutants, respiratory asthma issues or obstructions in the respiratory system or the body becoming overloaded by massive fats that breathing is extremely difficult or even impossible.

    8.) In the event that it’s the 2nd Dreshkana of Gemini The death of a person could be caused by the effects of fevers that are too high malaria, cholera, malaria tuberculosis, or similar allied disease.

    9.) If it’s the 3rd Dreshkana of Gemini The cause of death is most likely to be caused by any type of accident caused via train, car aircraft, or forced off a stage by someone who is intentionally or through landslides or falling into the ditch, stream or valley. It is possible to be thrown from any vehicle, which could lead to problems.

    10.) Assumedly, if it’s the first Dreshkana from Cancer in the eighth house that the death is caused by poisoning from food, through someone else’s negligence or by guns, arrows or knife or sharp-weapons and bleeding.

    11. )Now is the time to consider whether the second Dreshkana of cancer death is caused by intestinal irritation, piles or a serious gynecological problem such as diarrhea or dysentery.

    12. )If it’s the third Dreshkana or cancerous tumor, the reason for death is likely to be an issue with the spleen or the kidney or intestines. Cholera or perhaps one is victimized by plague or other health problems.

    13.) Now, if one of the signs Dreshkana in Leo is located in the house of the eight, then the cause of death may also occur due to the disease, an epidemic, venereal illness or AIDS and related issues or dyspepsia that is serious.

    14. )If it’s the third Dreshkana of Leo the cause of death is most likely to be chest congestion asthma, bronchitis or asthma. an acute problem with the respiratory system and (rarely but occasionally) by the drowning process or getting caught by the river, water or sea. This could also be caused by drowning, be caused by poisonous liquor, wine, or any other drinkable product.

    15. )if it’s an aspect of the three Dreshkana from Leo within the 8th house then the reason of the death could be a result of a gunshot or spear or knife, or shooting a gun on an battlefield, or an accident in a vehicle or poisoning of a the blood machine by injection or an infection.

    16. )if it’s the 1st Dreshkana from Virgo within the house of the eight, then the death is most likely due to mental illness, neurological issues and other issues like epilepsy and intelligence hemorrhage.

    17. )Now If it’s the second Dreshkana from Virgo within the eighth house then the meaning of death will be falling from a high point and being killed in the ramparts of the fort or high-rise structure. In the future, one might be thrown from a tree, mountain, or hill.

    18. )if you are in the 3rd Dreshkana from Virgo is located in the house of the eight, the reason for the loss of life must be a result of an order of a King or chieftain, ruler, the head of a tribe, or crook group or a death sentence made with the help of the court.

    19) Now, if one of the primary Dreshkana from Libra is located in the 8th house of the zodiac, the death will most likely be by a woman, or the cooperation with an individual woman, lover, or mistress or via a the partner (wife or spouse) or as a result of being thrown from an altitude, such as falling from a high-rise structure or hill, or the highest mountains or hills. We can assume that, regardless, the death is scheduled by the being or being(s).

    20. )if you have the second Dreshkana of Libra is located placed in the house of 8, then the death is likely to be caused by an attack from an animal, whether wild or domestic as well as digestion problems, and the aid of dyspepsia or dysentery diarrhea, i.e. a problem with the stomach or digestive system.

    21. )If it’s the third Dreshkana of Libra in the 8th house, the reason of DeathDeath could be snake-bite, attack via pit-viper, crocodile, or python and biting the help of bees, or any other insects that are in or near the water.

    22.) If you are in the first Dreshkana from Scorpio is in the 8th house, the reason for death could be poison, or injury caused by a firearm or weapon on the battlefield, or in any other way, or through the use of poison gas or chemical substances.

    23.) Consider that two-thirds Dreshkana from Scorpio is located in the 8th house. The death will be brought about by carrying any large weight, massive burden, abortion that is triggered by the lifting of a burden or an abortion caused through consented or forced intercourse or rape during an attempt to induce pregnancy by means of a principal fractures of the waistline or backbone bone, or the back part of the ribs.

    (24) (24) If third Dreshkana from Scorpio is located in the 8th house the reason of dying must be linked to serious injury caused by a massive stone, a rock falling onto the body or head through landslides caused by particles from a building or falling of a huge computer or railing, or an iron rail or even onto the head.

    25)Supposedly If one of the signs in Dreshkana from Sagittarius is located in the house of 8th, the loss of life can likely occur due to piles that occur as a result of surgery or contamination caused by the use of a needle. Death could also occur in the presence of familiar anesthesia, or be a result of any surgical procedure.

    26.) If your 2nd Dreshkana from Sagittarius is located in 8th House, the reason of DeathDeath could be on the battlefield, by blasts from any mine or bomb and also through the use of an attack by a hostile force, or through the use of attacks using dacoits, robbers, or There are many enemies, thieves, and adversaries and enemies, who could cause severe problems

    27.) Assumedly, if you are the third Dreshkana in Sagittarius is located in the”8″ home, then the cause for death may be through the help of a crocodile via the consumption of poisonous fish through the use of an attack by a tortoise team and drowning forced into rivers, water or sea and so on. Or, by means of a poisonous substance in water that enters the stomach system.

    28.) If it’s the 1st Dreshkana from Capricorn with the house of 8th, the loss of life can be also be anticipated through the attack of an animal like a tiger, lion boar, monkeys panther, wolf, wild buffalo or any four-legged beast in anger or perhaps with the help of a scorpion or drinking a drink that contains poison that is not effective.

    29.) It is believed that in the second Dreshkana that Capricorn is located in the 8th house. Death is imagined through snake-bite, an attack by python, because of scorpions, bees, or any other insect that is toxic.

    30.) If there is a third Dreshkana from Capricorn located in the house of 8th, the reason of death could also be robbery, thief dacoit, fire electric shock, firearm, short-circuit, any kind of deadly fever such as malaria, tuberculosis or diphtheria.

    31.) If you are in the first Dreshkana from Aquarius is located in the eighth house the cause of death can be triggered by the lovers, wives, prostitutes, mistresses or concubine, husband, adopted or natural daughter or son or the use of a firearm or a sharp weapon to cause damage to the abdomen, or even kick. In addition it could also be a sign of serious health-related problems associated with abdominal issues, problems with your womb, discomfort in your stomach, or on your testicles(for men).).

    32.) If two, Dreshkana and Aquarius are located in the seventh house. Death is a result of venereal illnesses, AIDS, and allied illnesses. There are numerous illnesses that can manifest any type of problems which could cause any type of septic wound or eating poison, and issues relating to different injections that are administered to the entire bloodstream within your body.

    33.) In the third Dreshkana in Aquarius located in the 8th House, the cause of death is biting with any poisonous insect like scorpion, snake, lizard or python. It could also be by means of any kind of injury or wound.

    34.) Other than that, if one of the primary Dreshkana in Pisces is located in the house of eighth, then the cause of death is in the majority of cases to be due to urinary diseases, diabetes tuberculosis, pyrolysis dengue fever, paralysis or typhoid.

    35.) In the case of the second Dreshkana in Pisces is located in the eight house then the DeathDeath could be caused by an assault through an elephant, camel donkey, horse and wolf buffalo, rabies, cow or falling into the water from a vessel steamer, cruise ship, or steamer or by being pushed down into the river, water canal, or by the flooding.

    36) If you are in the third Dreshkana from Pisces is located in the house of 8: it is believed that death to be interpreted to occur through the use of chronic illness such as asthma, cholera kidney problems, diabetes, plague, epidemics or fatal fever, or by poisoning of food.

    These are merely astrological signs that can be used to verify previous circumstances, and should not be taken to mean real-time, accurate guidelines. Numerous other factors will require to be examined prior to making any predictions.

    The planets of the spouse and husband influence each other directly. Therefore , any sign of loss of life that can be based on the basis of the horoscopes of husband and wife must be avoided. The horoscopes of husband and spouse, or even the param and mistress must be examined in depth and complete detail, which comprise Mahadasa Antardasa as well as the year-long charts (and in the event that it is possible, monthly charts too). Then and only then, predictions about the end of life should be made. For as long as it is possible you are not making predictions regarding the match of death. The prediction of death is not taken from a causal analysis. The predictions made by such studies can affect the emotional and intellectual state of the individual concerned in addition to the feelings of family and friends.

    For Further details contact Raj guru

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